General Info
Institution:IST-ID, Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento Department:
Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitectura e Ambiente Research Group:
Transportation Systems
Ciência ID:
1E1E-6D96-7E64 Orcid:
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5642-6006 Research ID:
https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/2067742 Scopus ID:
https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57210292468 Google Scholar:
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=weLjCZUAAAAJ ResearchGate:
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rosa-Felix SOTIS:
Contact Info
Rosa Melo Félix
Urban cycling and pedestrian mobility researcher.
Master in Territory Engineering by Instituto Superior Técnico, PhD student in Transportation System in the MIT Portugal program. Since 2012 has been working cycling mobility, being that the subject of her master thesis. Rosa participated in the elaboration of the Bicycle Mobility Plan of the Municipality of Loulé and in the team for the integration of the EuroVelo Network in Portugal. She collaborated in Bike Pop project and organized the 1st IST Mobility Week in 2015. She collaborates with Cicloficina dos Anjos, a community bicycle shop, since the beginning (2011), and is a mentor of Cicloficina do Técnico.
Master in Territory Engineering by Instituto Superior Técnico, PhD student in Transportation System in the MIT Portugal program. Since 2012 has been working cycling mobility, being that the subject of her master thesis. Rosa participated in the elaboration of the Bicycle Mobility Plan of the Municipality of Loulé and in the team for the integration of the EuroVelo Network in Portugal. She collaborated in Bike Pop project and organized the 1st IST Mobility Week in 2015. She collaborates with Cicloficina dos Anjos, a community bicycle shop, since the beginning (2011), and is a mentor of Cicloficina do Técnico.
Title | Authors | Year | Volume | DOI | Journal | Impact factor Clar.Analytics | CERIS Members |
Socio-economic assessment of shared e-scooters: do the benefits overcome the externalities? | Félix, R.; Orozco-Fontalvo, M.; Moura, F. | 2023 | V. 118 (art. 103714) | 10.1016/j.trd.2023.103714 | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura, Rosa Melo Félix, Mauricio Orozco Fontalvo | |
The impact of public bike-sharing systems on mobility patterns: Generating or replacing trips? | Moura, F.; Valença, G.; Félix, R.; Vale, D.S. | 2023 | V. 17, n.º 11(1254-1263 | 10.1080/15568318.2022.2163209 | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura, Rosa Melo Félix, Gabriel Costa Valença | |
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on the behavior change of cyclists in Lisbon, using multinomial logit regression analysis | Costa, M.; Félix, R.; Marques, M.; Moura, F. | 2022 | V. 14 (art. 100609) | 10.1016/j.trip.2022.100609 | Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura, Rosa Melo Félix, Miguel Nobre da Costa | |
Jittering: A Computationally Efficient Method for Generating Realistic Route Networks from Origin-Destination Data | Lovelace, R.; Félix, R.; Carlino D. | 2022 | April | 10.32866/001c.33873 | Transport Findings | Rosa Melo Félix | |
Maturing urban cycling: Comparing barriers and motivators to bicycle of cyclists and non-cyclists in Lisbon, Portugal | Félix, R.; Moura, F.; Clifton, K.J. | 2019 | V. 15, art. 100628, December. | 10.1016/j.jth.2019.100628 | Journal of Transport & Health | 2,418 | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura, Rosa Melo Félix |
Title | Authors | Year | In proc. of [Conference identification, place, date] | DOI | Type | CERIS Members |
How equal is accessibility to cycling infrastructure? A ranking to compare territories in Lisbon, Portugal. | Humberto, M.; Félix, R.; Moura, F. | 2023 | Transportation Research Procedia. | 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.752 | International | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura, Rosa Melo Félix, Mateus Humberto |
Exploring Jittering and routing options for converting origin-destination data into route networks: towards accurate estimates of movement at the street level | Lovelace, R.; Félix, R.; Carlino D. | 2022 | FOSS4G 2022 Firenze | 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W1-2022-279-2022 | International | Rosa Melo Félix |
Assessing methods for generating route networks from origin-destionation data: jittering, routing, and visualisation | Robin Lovelace, Rosa Félix, Dustin Carlino, Roger Beecham | 2022 | Journal of Spatial Information Science. 30th Annual Geographical Information Science Research UK (GISRUK), Liverpool, April | 10.5281/zenodo.6410196 | International | Rosa Melo Félix |
O impacte de incentivos públicos à aquisição de bicicletas elétricas na adoção do modo ciclável. O caso de Lisboa | Rosa Félix, Gabriel Valelnça, Filipe Moura | 2022 | 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, Lisboa, July 2022. ISBN: 978-989-98338-5-2 | National | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura, Rosa Melo Félix, Gabriel Costa Valença | |
O uso da Microssimulação no apoio ao desenho de Redes Cicláveis. O caso da Av. de Roma, Lisboa | Tomás Tavares, Filipe Moura, Rosa Félix | 2022 | 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, Lisboa, July 2022. ISBN: 978-989-98338-5-2 | National | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura, Rosa Melo Félix | |
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on the Behavior Change of Cyclists in Lisbon, using multinomial logit regression analysis | Miguel Nobre Costa; Rosa Félix; Manuel Marques; Moura, Filipe | 2021 | Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2021. | International | Rosa Melo Félix | |
Comparação de barreiras e motivadores para a adoção da bicicleta em Lisboa | Félix, R.; Moura, F.; Clifton, K. | 2019 | 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, 28-30 de Maio de 2019 | National | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura, Rosa Melo Félix | |
Avaliação do impacte potencial do Programa U-Bike nos padrões de mobilidade da comunidade do Instituto Superior Técnico. | Moura, F.; Félix; R.; Roque, C. | 2019 | 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, 28-30 de Maio de 2019 | National | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura, Rosa Melo Félix |
Name | Reference | Type | PI Names | CERIS Coordinator | Research Group | Other CERIS Members | Leading Institution | Other Institutions | Funding Institutions | Total Funding | Funding for Ceris | Beginning Date | End Date | State | Website | |
STREETS4ALL – Dynamic and Equitable Reallocation of Urban Street Space | PTDC/ECI-TRA/3120/2021 | National | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura | Rosa Melo Félix, Gabriel Costa Valença | IST-ID – Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | 207865,94 | 142336,3 | 2022/01/01 | 2024/12/31 | https://streets4all.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/ | |||||
Bicla-R – Metropolitan Cycling Network: Analysis, Modelling and Support Tool for Planning and Decision Making | 1018P.06096.1.01.01 | National | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura | Rosa Melo Félix | CERIS – Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability (Portugal) | Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa | 44531 | 1500 | 2021/00/00 | 2022/00/00 | https://u-shift.github.io/biclar/ | |||||
PCT-Portugal | PARSUK2020 | International | Rosa Melo Félix | Rosa Melo Félix | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura | CERIS – Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability (Portugal) | PARSUK – Association of Portuguese Researchers and Students in the UK (Portugal-UK Bilateral Research Fund) | 3000 | 1500 | 2020/05/01 | 2020/10/31 | https://ushift.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/pct-portugal/ |
Title of Chapter | Title of Book | Authors (all, including CERIS members) | Editors (all, including CERIS members) | Year | Book Series | Publisher | Edition | DOI | ISBN/ISSN | CERIS Members |
Sistema de bicicletas partilhadas de Lisboa – GIRA | Bicicletas nas cidades: Experiências de compartilhamento, diversidade e tecnologia | Félix, R.; Moura, F. | Andrade, V.; Quintanilha, L. | 2020 | Relicário | 1 | 9786586279023 | Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura, Rosa Melo Félix |