General Info
Institution:NOVA School of Science and Tecnology Department:
Department of Civil Engineering Research Group:
Structures and Geotechnics
6019-E079-1A84 Orcid:
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9496-4991 Research ID:
https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/446974 Scopus ID:
https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55944437000 Google Scholar:
https://scholar.google.pt/citations?user=TbJMGhgAAAAJ&hl=en ResearchGate:
Contact Info
António Manuel Pinho Ramos
Assistant Professor
António Pinho Ramos received his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering / Structures (2003) from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon and also holds a M.Sc. degree in Structural Engineering and a B.Eng in Civil Engineering also from University of Lisbon. After working in industry for 10 years, he joined the Department of Civil Engineering at NOVA University of Lisbon as a Teaching Assistant in 1999, and was promoted to Assistant Professor in 2003. He has been a professor in charge of courses of Reinforced Concrete I and II and Structural Project.
His main research interest are:
- Concrete Structures,
- Behavior of Flat Slab Structures,
- Repair and Strengthening of Concrete and cyclic loading tests.
Title | Authors | Year | Volume | DOI | Journal | Impact factor Clar.Analytics | CERIS Members |
Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Joist and Wide-Beam Floors during the 26 November 2019 Albania Earthquake | Baballëku, M.; Isufi, B.; Ramos, A.P. | 2023 | V. 13, n.º 5 (art. 1149) | 10.3390/buildings13051149 | Buildings | 3.8 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Brisid Isufi |
Nonlinear analysis of flat slab-column connections to optimize the use of HPFRC under monotonic vertical loading | Díaz, R.S.; Isufi, B.; Trautwein, L.M.; Ramos, A.P. | 2023 | V. 24, n.º 5(5787-5807 | 10.1002/suco.202200826 | Structural Concrete | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Brisid Isufi | |
Seismic Performance of Strengthened Slab-Column Connections in a Full-Scale Test | Ramos, A.P.; Isufi, B.; Marreiros, R.; Coronelli, D.; Netti, T.; Lamperti Tornaghi, M.; Tsionis, G.; Muttoni, A. | 2023 | V. 27, n.º 9(2299-2318 | 10.1080/13632469.2022.2112320 | Journal of Earthquake Engineering | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Rui Pedro César Marreiros, Brisid Isufi | |
Slab–column connection punching and ductility improvement methods for seismic response of buildings with flat slabs | Isufi, B.; Almeida, A.; Marreiros, R.; Ramos, A.P.; Lúcio, V. | 2022 | V. 23, n.º 3(1385-1398 | 10.1002/suco.202100690 | Structural Concrete | 2.793 | Válter José da Guia Lúcio, António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Rui Pedro César Marreiros, Brisid Isufi |
Post-earthquake Performance of a Slab-Column Connection with Punching Shear Reinforcement | Isufi, B.; Ramos, A.P.; Lúcio, V. | 2022 | V. 26, n.º 3(1171-1193 | 10.1080/13632469.2020.1713924 | Journal of Earthquake Engineering | 2.997 | Válter José da Guia Lúcio, António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Brisid Isufi |
Behavior of flat slabs with partial use of high-performance fiber reinforced concrete under monotonic vertical loading | Isufi, B.; Relvas, J.P.; Marchão, C.; Ramos, A.P. | 2022 | V. 264 (art. 114471) | 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.114471 | Engineering Structures | 5.582 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Carla Alexandra da Cruz Marchão, Brisid Isufi |
Deformation capacity evaluation for flat slab seismic design | Muttoni, A.; Coronelli, D.; Lamperti Tornaghi, M.; Martinelli, L.; Pascu, I.R.; Pinho Ramos, A.; Tsionis, G.; Bamonte, P.; Isufi, B.; Setiawan, A. | 2022 | V. 20, n.º 3(1619-1654 | 10.1007/s10518-021-01302-x | Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering | 4.556 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Brisid Isufi |
Rational use of HPFRC in slab – column connections under reversed horizontal cyclic loading | Ramos, A.; Isufi, B.; Marreiros, R.; Bolešová, M.; Gajdošová, K. | 2022 | V. 270 (art. 114903) | 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.114903 | Engineering Structures | 5.582 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Rui Pedro César Marreiros, Brisid Isufi |
Testing of a full-scale flat slab building for gravity and lateral loads | Coronelli, D.; Lamperti Tornaghi, M.; Martinelli, L.; Molina, F.-J.; Muttoni, A.; Pascu, I.R.; Pegon, P.; Peroni, M.; Ramos, A.P.; Tsionis, G.; Netti, T. | 2021 | V. 243 (art. 112551) | 10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.112551 | Engineering Structures | 4.471 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
A review of tests on slab-column connections with advanced concrete materials | Isufi, B.; Pinho Ramos, A. | 2021 | V. 32 (849-860) | 10.1016/j.istruc.2021.03.036 | Structures | 2.983 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Brisid Isufi |
Influence of flexural reinforcement on the seismic performance of flat slab – Column connections | Isufi, B.; Rossi, M.; Ramos, A.P. | 2021 | V. 242 (art. 112583) | 10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.112583 | Engineering Structures | 4.471 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Brisid Isufi |
Eccentric punching strength of continuous flat slabs—Analysis of different experimental setups | Secci, L.; Lapi, M.; Teoni, E.; Pinho Ramos, A.; Orlando, M. | 2021 | V. 22, n.º 2 (1183-1204) | 10.1002/suco.202000267 | Structural Concrete | 3.131 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Shear and flexural strengthening of deficient flat slabs with post-installed bolts and CFRP composites bonded through EBR and EBROG | Torabian, A.; Isufi, B.; Mostofinejad, D.; Pinho Ramos, A. | 2021 | V. 22, n.º 2 (1147-1164) | 10.1002/suco.202000236 | Structural Concrete | 3.131 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Behaviour of reinforced-concrete flat slabs with stirrups under reversed horizontal cyclic loading | Almeida, A.F.O.; Alcobia, B.; Ornelas, B.; Marreiros, R.; Ramos, A.P. | 2020 | V. 72, n.º 7, (339-356) , April. | 10.1680/jmacr.18.00209 | Magazine of Concrete Research | 2,088 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Behavior of RC flat slabs with shear bolts under reversed horizontal cyclic loading | Almeida, A.F.O.; Ramos, A.P.; Lúcio, V.; Marreiros, R. | 2020 | V. 21, n.º 2, (501-516) , April. | 10.1002/suco.201900128 | Structural Concrete | 2,174 | Válter José da Guia Lúcio, António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
A state of the art of flat-slab frame tests for gravity and lateral loading | Coronelli, D.; Muttoni, A.; Pascu, I.R.; Ramos, A.P.; Netti, T. | 2020 | V. 21, n.º 6(2764-2781 | 10.1002/suco.202000305 | Structural Concrete | 2,174 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Influence of the top reinforcement detailing in the behaviour of flat slabs | Faria, R.; Marreiros, R.; Pinho Ramos, A.; Jesus, C. | 2020 | V. 23, (718-730) , February. | 10.1016/j.istruc.2019.12.007 | Structures | 1,839 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Rational use of high-strength concrete in flat slab-column connections under seismic loading | Inácio, M.; Isufi, B.; Lapi, M.; Ramos, A.P. | 2020 | V. 117, n.º 6(297-310 | 10.14359/51728080 | Aci Structural Journal | 1,744 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Punching of reinforced concrete flat slabs – Rational use of high strength concrete | Inácio, M.M.G.; Lapi, M.; Ramos, A.P. | 2020 | V. 206, (art. 110194) , March. | 10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110194 | Engineering Structures | 3,548 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Role of punching shear reinforcement in the seismic performance of flat slab frames | Isufi, B.; Cismasiu, I.; Marreiros, R.; Ramos, A.P.; Lúcio, V. | 2020 | V. 207, (art. 110238) , March. | 10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110238 | Engineering Structures | 3,548 | Válter José da Guia Lúcio, António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
A hybrid method for the calibration of finite element models of punching-shear in R/C flat slabs | Lapi, M.; Secci, L.; Teoni, E.; Pinho Ramos, A.; Orlando, M. | 2020 | V. 238, (art. 106323) , October. | 10.1016/j.compstruc.2020.106323 | Computers & Structures | 3,664 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Flexural strengthening of flat slabs with FRP composites using EBR and EBROG methods | Torabian, A.; Isufi, B.; Mostofinejad, D.; Ramos, A.P. | 2020 | V. 211, (art. 110483) , May. | 10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110483 | Engineering Structures | 3,548 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Assessment of SFRC flat slab punching behaviour – part II: reversed horizontal cyclic loading | Gouveia, N.D.; Faria, D.V.M.; Ramos, A.P. | 2019 | V. 71, n.º 1, 26-42, January. | 10.1680/jmacr.17.00344 | Magazine of Concrete Research | 2,016 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Assessment of SFRC flat slab punching behaviour – part I: monotonic vertical loading | Gouveia, N.D.; Faria, D.V.M.; Ramos, A.P. | 2019 | V. 71, n.º 11, 587-598, June. | 10.1680/jmacr.17.00343 | Magazine of Concrete Research | 2,016 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Reversed horizontal cyclic loading tests of flat slab specimens with studs as shear reinforcement | Isufi, B.; PInho Ramos, A.; Lúcio, V. | 2019 | V. 20, n.º 1, 330-347, February. | 10.1002/suco.201800128 | Structural Concrete | 1,885 | Válter José da Guia Lúcio, António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Flat slab strenghtening techniques against punching-shear | Lapi, M.; Pinho Ramos, A.; Orlando, M. | 2019 | V. 180, 160-180, February. | 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.11.033 | Engineering Structures | 3,084 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Behavior of thin lightly reinforced flat slabs under concentric loading | Torabian, A.; Isufi, B.; Mostofinejad, D.; Ramos, A.M.P. | 2019 | V. 196, art. 109327, October. | 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.109327 | Engineering Structures | 3,084 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Experimental and theoretical evaluation of punching strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete slabs | Gouveia, N.D.; Lapi, M.; Orlando, M.; Faria, D.M.V.; Ramos, A.M.P. | 2018 | 19, n.º 1 | 10.1002/suco.201700136 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | ||
Experimental and theoretical evaluation of punching strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete slabs | Gouveia, N.D.; Lapi, M.; Orlando, M.; Faria, D.M.V.; Ramos, A.M.P. | 2018 | V. 19, n.º 1, 217-229, February | 10.1002/suco.201700136 | Structural Concrete | 1,885 | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Performance assessment of flat slabs strengthened with a bonded reinforced-concrete overlay | Lapi, M.; Fernandes, H.; Orlando, M.; Ramos, A.; Lúcio, V. | 2018 | V. 70, n.º 9, 433-451, May | 10.1680/jmacr.17.00037 | Magazine of Concrete Research | 2,026 | Válter José da Guia Lúcio, António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Title | Authors | Year | In proc. of [Conference identification, place, date] | DOI | Type | CERIS Members |
SEISMIC BEHAVIOR OF SLAB–COLUMN CONNECTIONS USING HIGH PERFORMANCE FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETES. | Ramos, A.; Isufi, B.; Marreiros, R. | 2023 | American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication. | International | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Rui Pedro César Marreiros, Brisid Isufi | |
Flat Plate Building and Frame Full Scale Tests for European Design Provisions | Coronelli D., Muttoni A., Pascu R., Ramos A. | 2022 | American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, SP-353, pp. 73 - 96 | https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85139825588&partnerID=40&md5=2d18cdd97cfdaf618feecabf15067bf0 | International | António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF HYBRID HPFRC FLAT SLABS | Isufi B., Marchão C., Marreiros R., Ramos A.P. | 2022 | fib Symposium, pp. 1870 - 1879 | https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85143905005&partnerID=40&md5=ac7ec46649d5ea7f8006a32ad0b18d7b | International | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Rui Pedro César Marreiros, Carla Alexandra da Cruz Marchão, Brisid Isufi |
HYBRID USE OF HPFRC IN SLAB – COLUMN CONNECTIONS UNDER CYCLIC LATERAL LOADING | Ramos A.P., Isufi B., Marreiros R., Marchão C. | 2022 | fib Symposium, pp. 1880 - 1889 | https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85143892602&partnerID=40&md5=6fb787826e261dd4909a81336eb99733 | International | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Rui Pedro César Marreiros, Carla Alexandra da Cruz Marchão, Brisid Isufi |
Utilização de BEDRF em ligações laje-pilar sujeitas a ações horizontais cíclicas | Ramos, A., Isufi, B., Marchão, C., Marreiros. R. | 2022 | Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia de Estruturas (JPEE) 2022, 9-11 Nov., LNEC, Lisboa, 2022, pp. 1129-1138 | National | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Rui Pedro César Marreiros, Carla Alexandra da Cruz Marchão, Brisid Isufi | |
Strengthening of flat slabs with fibre reinforced polymers using the externally bonded reinforcement on grooves method: a review | Torabian A., Isufi B., Mostofinejad D., Ramos A.P. | 2022 | REHABEND, pp. 1946 - 1953 | https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85142272317&partnerID=40&md5=febe36abc3dac0d659b6cfb6ff6f734e | International | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Brisid Isufi |
Seismic behaviour of slab-column connections with various punching shear enhancement methods | Brisid Isufi, Rui Marreiros, António Pinho Ramos, Válter Lúcio | 2021 | fib Symposium 2021: Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance, p.978-986, Lisbon, 2021. | International | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | |
Comportamento Sísmico da ligação laje-pilar considerando diferentes soluções de reforço | Brisid Isufi, Rui Marreiros, António Ramos, e Válter Lúcio | 2021 | Congresso Nacional Reabilitar & Betão Estrutural 2020, LNEC, Lisboa, Novembro 2021., pp. 1129-1138. | National | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | |
Flat Slab Structural Response for Seismic European Design. Full Scale testing Results | Dario Coronelli, Luca Martinelli, Aurelio Muttoni, Radu Pascu, Antonio Ramos | 2021 | fib Symposium 2021: Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance, p. 1831-1839, Lisbon, 2021. | International | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | |
Eccentric punching strength of RC slab-column connections: a parametric numerical analysis based on the Lisbon setup | Emanuele Teoni, Lorenzo Secci, Massimo Lapi, Antonio Pinho Ramos and Maurizio Orlando | 2021 | fib Symposium 2021: Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance, p.1640-1647, Lisbon, 2021. | International | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | |
Seismic Behavior of Slab-column Connections with Varying Flexural Reinforcement Ratio | Mariana Rossi, Brisid Isufi , António Pinho Ramos | 2021 | fib Symposium 2021: Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance, p. 987-994, Lisbon, 2021. | International | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | |
Comportamento Sísmico de ligações laje-pilar com variação da taxa de armadura de flexão | Mariana Rossi, Brisid Isufi e António Ramos | 2021 | Congresso Nacional Reabilitar & Betão Estrutural 2020, LNEC, Lisboa, Novembro 2021., pp. 1139-1149. | National | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | |
Post-earthquake strength and deformation capacity of a flat slab specimen with shear studs | Isufi, B.; Ramos, A.; Lúcio, V. | 2019 | Fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures, Krakow, Poland | International | Válter José da Guia Lúcio, António Manuel Pinho Ramos | |
Static and seismic behaviour of R/C slabs with openings adjacent to columns | Lapi, M., Orlando M., Spinelli P., and A. Ramos | 2019 | Fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures, Krakow, Poland | International | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | |
Finite element analysis of punching shear of R/C slabs: A hybrid approach for model calibration | Secci, L., Teoni E., Lapi M., Orlando M., and A. Ramos | 2019 | Fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures, Krakow, Poland | International | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | |
Resposta da ligação pilar-laje fungiforme sujeitas a ações horizontais cíclicas reforçadas com estribos. | Almeida,A., Ramos,A. Marreiros,R., Lúcio, V e Ricardo Faria, R. | 2018 | Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2018, LNEC, Lisboa, Novembro 2018, pp. 1586-1595. | National | Válter José da Guia Lúcio, António Manuel Pinho Ramos | |
Influência da distribuição transversal de armaduras longitudinais junto ao pilar na resistência ao punçoamento. | Faria, R. Jesus, C., Marreiros, R e Ramos, A | 2018 | Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2018, LNEC, Lisboa, Novembro 2018, pp 873-882. | National | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | |
Efeito do confinamento e da redistribuição de momentos no comportamento de lajes fungiformes. | Faria, R. Marreiros,R Ramos, A e Antunes G | 2018 | Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2018, LNEC, Lisboa, Novembro 2018, pp. 113-122. | National | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | |
Pushover Analysis of Flat Slab Buildings with Shear Studs Punching Reinforcement | Isufi, B.; Ramos, A.; Lúcio, V.; Cismasiu, I. | 2018 | 16ECEE - 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering; Thessaloniki, Greece between 18-21, June, 2018. | International | Válter José da Guia Lúcio, António Manuel Pinho Ramos |
Student Name | Supervisor | External Supervisor | Co-Supervisors | External Co-Supervisor #1 | External Co-Supervisor #2 | Title | PhD Programme | Universities Granting Title | Funding Institution | Scholarship | Total PhD Funding | PhD Funding for CERIS | Begining Date | End Date | Year | |
Leandro Mouta Trautwein | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | A framework for the nonlinear finite element analysis of punching shear in flat slabs. | Civil Engineering | UEC – State University of Campinas (Unicamp, Brazil) | CAPES (Brazil) | CAPES grants nº 88882.435128 and nº 88887.572569/2020-00 | 43313 | 45016 | 2023 | |||||||
António Manuel Pinho Ramos | Experimental and Analytical Study on Flexural Behaviour of Two-Way RC Slabs Strengthened with FRP. | Civil Engineering | IUT – Isfahan University of Technology (Iran), NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal) | IUT – Isfahan University of Technology (Iran) | IUT scholarship for PhD program 2015-2018 | 2015/00/00 | 43709 | 2019 | ||||||||
António Manuel Pinho Ramos | Válter José da Guia Lúcio | Punching in flat slabs subjected to cyclic horizontal loading. | Civil Engineering | NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | FCT scholarship SFRH/BD/119772/2016 | 40303 | 43817 | 2019 | |||||||
Maurizio Orlando | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | Spinelli Paolo | Punching Behaviour of R/C Flat Slabs with Openings under Seismic Loading. | Civil and Environmental Engineering | NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal), Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy) | Borse Pegaso Regione Toscana (Italy) | Corsi Internazionali di Dottorato - 2016 | 2016/00/00 | 2019/00/00 | 2019 | ||||||
Válter José da Guia Lúcio | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | Strengthening of flat slabs with concrete overlay - analysis and solution development. | Civil Engineering | NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | FCT scholarship SFRH/BD/89505/2012 | 41395 | 43748 | 2019 | |||||||
António Manuel Pinho Ramos | Válter José da Guia Lúcio | Seismic behaviour of flat slabs with punching shear reinforcement. | Civil Engineering | NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal) | Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – SMART2 | SIGMA Agile 2SIG400889 | 2015/00/00 | 43435 | 2018 | |||||||
António Manuel Pinho Ramos | Comportamento ao Punçoamento de Lajes Fungiformes em BRF sujeitas a Ações Monotónicas e Cíclicas. | Civil Engineering | NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | FCT scholarship SFRH/BD/109073/2015 | 2015/00/00 | 43103 | 2018 |
Name | Reference | Type | PI Names | CERIS Coordinator | Research Group | Other CERIS Members | Leading Institution | Other Institutions | Funding Institutions | Total Funding | Funding for Ceris | Beginning Date | End Date | State | Website | |
ERIES-RecycleSlab - Structural Behaviour of Recycled Aggregate Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs with Drop Panels under Seismic and Cyclic Actions | Transnational Access (TA) User Project under the ERIES project of HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01-07 (Ref. 101058684) | International | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | Jorge Manuel Caliço Lopes de Brito, João Nuno Noronha Ramos Vigário Pacheco, Rui Pedro César Marreiros, Carla Alexandra da Cruz Marchão | NOVA.ID.FCT – Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova (Portugal) | EU Horizon Europe Framework Programme | 2022/06/01 | 2026/05/31 | https://sites.fct.unl.pt/recycleslab | ||||||
HIPERSLAB – Enhancement of the Structural Behaviour of Flat Slabs under Cyclic and Seismic Actions through the Rational Use of High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete | PTDC/ECI-EST/30511/2017 | National | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | António Manuel Pinho Ramos | João Carlos de Oliveira Fernandes de Almeida, Válter José da Guia Lúcio, Eduardo Nuno Brito Santos Júlio, Jónatas Miguel de Almeida Valença, Rui Pedro César Marreiros | NOVA.ID.FCT – Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | 229122,08 | 21175 | 2018/10/01 | 2022/03/31 | https://sites.fct.unl.pt/hiperslab/ | ||||
PROTEDES – Protection of Strategic Buildings against Blast Actions | PTDC/ECI-EST/31046/2017 | National | Válter José da Guia Lúcio | Válter José da Guia Lúcio | António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Eduardo Nuno Brito Santos Júlio, Filipe Pimentel Amarante dos Santos, Corneliu Cismasiu, Fernando Farinha da Silva Pinho, Carlos Manuel Chastre Rodrigues, Ana Rita de Sousa Gião, Eduardo Soares Ribeiro Gomes Cavaco, Ildi Cismasiu | NOVA.ID.FCT – Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | 239538,34 | 28718,65 | 2018/09/01 | 2022/09/30 |
Title of Chapter | Title of Book | Authors (all, including CERIS members) | Editors (all, including CERIS members) | Year | Book Series | Publisher | Edition | DOI | ISBN/ISSN | CERIS Members |
Seismic behaviour of flat slabs | Notes on the history of civil engineering – Vol III | Ramos, A.; Lúcio, V.; Marreiros, R.; Isufi, B.; Almeida, A.; Inácio, M.; Gouveia, N. | Pinho, F.F.S.; Appleton, J.; Lúcio, V. | 2022 | ECCE – European Council of Civil Engineers | 9781999699024 | Válter José da Guia Lúcio, António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Rui Pedro César Marreiros, Brisid Isufi | |||
Post-installed prestressed with anchorages by bonding for concrete strengthening | Notes on the history of civil engineering – Vol III | Lúcio, V.; Ramos, A.; Marchão, C.; Gião, A.; Faria, D.; Muhaj, H. | Pinho, F.F.S.; Appleton, J.; Lúcio, V. | 2022 | ECCE – European Council of Civil Engineers | 9781999699024 | Válter José da Guia Lúcio, António Manuel Pinho Ramos, Ana Rita de Sousa Gião, Carla Alexandra da Cruz Marchão |