General Info
Institution:Instituto Superior Técnico Department:
Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitectura e Ambiente Research Group:
Transportation Systems
Ciência ID:
0214-645B-BA08 Orcid:
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7893-2671 Research ID:
https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/1588948 Scopus ID:
https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57767750900 ResearchGate:
Contact Info
João António de Abreu e Silva
Associate Professor with Habilitation
- Travel Behavior,
- Transport Land Use Interactions,
- Urban Planning,
- Regional Science,
- Residential Location,
- Equity, Social Networks,
- Transport Planning and Policies,
- Data collection methods,
- Megaprojects,
- Urban Sprawl
Title | Authors | Year | Volume | DOI | Journal | Impact factor Clar.Analytics | CERIS Members |
Commercial land use change and growth processes – An assessment of retail location in Lisbon, Portugal, 1995–2020 | Colaço, R.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2024 | 10.1016/j.jum.2023.11.005 | Journal of Urban Management | João António de Abreu e Silva | ||
Interactions between Online Shopping, In-Store Shopping and Weekly Travel Behavior: An Analysis Before and in the Aftermath of COVID-19 in Lisbon, Portugal | Colaço, R.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2024 | 10.1177/03611981231194628 | Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board | João António de Abreu e Silva | ||
Motorways, local economic activity and commuting | Rocha, B.T.; Melo, P.C.; Afonso, N.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2024 | V. 58, n.º 1(164-177) | 10.1080/00343404.2023.2187768 | Regional Studies | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Exploring the role of accessibility in shaping retail location using space syntax measures: A panel-data analysis in Lisbon, 1995–2010 | Colaço, R.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2023 | V. 50, n.º 5(1345-1360 | 10.1177/23998083221138570 | Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
The main drivers of urban sprawl in Portuguese medium cities between 2001 and 2011 | de Abreu e Silva, J.; Correia, M. | 2023 | V. 132 (art. 106803) | 10.1016/j.landusepol.2023.106803 | Land Use Policy | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Machine Learning and Image Recognition Technologies to Identify Built Environment Barriers and Incentives to Walk | Lucchesi, S.T.; E Silva, J.A.; Larranaga, A.M.; Zechin, D.; Cybis, H.B.B. | 2023 | V. 2677 (1) | 10.1177/03611981221097965 | Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
The local impacts of building a large motorway network: Urban growth, suburbanisation, and agglomeration | Rocha, B.T.; Melo, P.C.; Afonso, N.; Abreu e Silva, J. | 2023 | V. 34 (art. 100302) | 10.1016/j.ecotra.2023.100302 | Economics of Transportation | 2.8 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Walkability premium: evidence for low-income communities | Trichês Lucchesi, S.; de Abreu e Silva, J.; Larranaga, A.M.; Cybis, H.B.B. | 2023 | V. 17, n.º 7(727-739 | 10.1080/15568318.2022.2090036 | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Open vs closed-ended questions in attitudinal surveys – Comparing, combining, and interpreting using natural language processing | Baburajan, V.; de Abreu e Silva, J.; Pereira, F.C. | 2022 | V. 137 (art. 103589) | 10.1016/j.trc.2022.103589 | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | 9.022 | João António de Abreu e Silva, Vishnu Baburajan |
Exploring the e-shopping geography of Lisbon: Assessing online shopping adoption for retail purchases and food deliveries using a 7-day shopping survey | Colaço, R.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2022 | V. 65 (art. 102859) | 10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102859 | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | 10.972 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Residential preferences, telework perceptions, and the intention to telework: insights from the Lisbon Metropolitan Area during the COVID-19 pandemic | de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2022 | V. 14, n.º S1(142-161 | 10.1111/rsp3.12558 | Regional Science Policy and Practice | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Land-use patterns, location choice, and travel behavior: Evidence from São Paulo | E Silva, J.A.; Lucchesi, S.T. | 2022 | V. 15, n.º 1(315-332 | 10.5198/jtlu.2022.2125 | Journal of Transport and Land Use | 2.739 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
What drives the allocation of motorways? Evidence from Portugal's fast-expanding network | Rocha, B.T.; Afonso, N.; Melo, P.C.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2022 | V. 102 (art. 103384) | 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2022.103384 | Journal of Transport Geography | 5.899 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Have a good trip! expanding our concepts of the quality of everyday travelling with flow theory | Te Brömmelstroet, M.; Nikolaeva, A.; Mladenović, M.; Milakis, D.; Ferreira, A.; Verlinghieri, E.; Cadima, C.; de Abreu e Silva, J.; Papa, E. | 2022 | V. 7, n.º 4(352-373 | 10.1080/23800127.2021.1912947 | Applied Mobilities | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Open-Ended Versus Closed-Ended Responses: A Comparison Study Using Topic Modeling and Factor Analysis | Baburajan, V.; E Silva, J.D.A.; Pereira, F.C. | 2021 | V. 22, n.º 4 (art. 9288903)(2123-2132) | 10.1109/TITS.2020.3040904 | Ieee Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | 6.492 | João António de Abreu e Silva, Vishnu Baburajan |
Commercial classification and location modelling: Integrating different perspectives on commercial location and structure | Colaço, R.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2021 | V. 10, n.º 6 (art. 567) | 10.3390/land10060567 | Land | 3.395 | João António de Abreu e Silva, Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço |
Residential location choice and its effects on travel satisfaction in a context of short-term transnational relocation | Monteiro, M.M.; de Abreu e Silva, J.; Afonso, N.; Ingvardson, J.B.; de Sousa, J.P. | 2021 | V. 14, n.º 1(975-994 | 10.5198/JTLU.2021.1952 | Journal of Transport and Land Use | 2.255 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Urban travel behavior adaptation of temporary transnational residents | Monteiro, M.M.; de Abreu e Silva, J.; Haustein, S.; Pinho de Sousa, J. | 2021 | V. 90 (art. 102935) | 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102935 | Journal of Transport Geography | 4.986 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Public transport use and satisfaction by international students and researchers | Monteiro, M.M.; E Silva, J.A.; Ingvardson, J.B.; Nielsen, O.A.; de Sousa, J.P. | 2021 | V. 13, n.º 15 (art. 8417) | 10.3390/su13158417 | Sustainability | 3.251 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Are people willing to pay more to live in a walking environment? A multigroup analysis of the impact of walkability on real estate values and their moderation effects in two Global South cities | Trichês Lucchesi, S.; Larranaga, A.M.; Bettella Cybis, H.B.; Abreu e Silva, J.A.D.; Arellana, J.A. | 2021 | V. 86 (art. 100976) | 10.1016/j.retrec.2020.100976 | Research in Transportation Economics | 2.627 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
An alternative approach to centroids and connectors pattern: Random intra-zonal travel time | Bashirinia, M.; Mamdoohi, A.R.; Abreu e Silva, J. | 2020 | V. 7, n.º 3, (246-265) , -. | 10.22119/IJTE.2018.144236.1427 | International Journal of Transportation Engineering | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Existence, relatedness and growth needs as mediators between mode choice and travel satisfaction: evidence from Denmark | Ingvardson, J.B.; Kaplan, S.; Abreu e Silva, J.; Ciommo. F.; Shiftan, Y.; Nielsen, O.A. | 2020 | V. 47, (337-358) , -. | 10.1007/s11116-018-9886-3 | Transportation | 4,082 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Participating in environmental loyalty program with a real-time multimodal travel app: User needs, environmental and privacy motivators | Dastjerdi, A.M.; Kaplan, S.; Abreu e Silva, J.; Nielsen, O.A.; Pereira, F.C. | 2019 | V. 67, 223-243, February. | 10.1016/j.trd.2018.11.013 | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment | 4,051 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Use intention of mobility-management travel apps: The role of users goals, technophile attitude and community trust | Dastjerdi, A.M.; Kaplan, S.; Abreu e Silva, J.; Nielsen, O.A.; Pereira, F.C. | 2019 | V. 126, 114-135, August. | 10.1016/j.tra.2019.06.001 | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice | 3,693 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Evaluating freight loading/unloading parking zones characteristics, usage and performance in Southern Europe | Muñuzuri, J.; Alho, A.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2019 | , n.º 73 | European Transport - Trasporti Europei | João António de Abreu e Silva | ||
The effects of land-use patterns on home-based tour complexity and total distances traveled: a path analysis | Abreu e Silva, J. | 2018 | 10, n.º 3 | 10.3390/su10030830 | João António de Abreu e Silva | ||
Improving mobility by optimizing the number, location and usage of loading/unloading bays for urban freight vehicles | Alho, A.R.; Abreu e Silva, J.; Sousa, J.P.; Blanco, E. | 2018 | 61, Part A | 10.1016/j.trd.2017.05.014 | André Romano Alho, João António de Abreu e Silva | ||
Modelling preferences for smart modes and services: A case study in Lisbon | Choudhury, C.F.; Yang, L.; Abreu e Silva, J.; Ben-Akiva, M. | 2018 | 115 | 10.1016/j.tra.2017.07.005 | João António de Abreu e Silva | ||
Users' satisfaction evolution of a metropolitan transit system in a context of economic downturn | Oña, R. de; Abreu e Silva, J.; Muñoz-Monge, C.; Oña, J. de | 2018 | 12, n.º 1 | 10.1080/15568318.2017.1328546 | João António de Abreu e Silva | ||
Does home-based telework reduce household total travel? A path analysis using single and two worker British households | 2018 | 73 | 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2018.10.009 | João António de Abreu e Silva, João de Abreu e Silva, Patrícia C. Melo | |||
The effects of land-use patterns on home-based tour complexity and total distances traveled: a path analysis | Abreu e Silva, J. | 2018 | V. 10, n.º 3, 830, March | 10.3390/su10030830 | Sustainability | 2,592 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Does home-based telework reduce household total travel? A path analysis using single and two worker British households | Abreu e Silva, J.; Melo, P.C. | 2018 | V. 73, 148-162, December | 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2018.10.009 | Journal of Transport Geography | 3,56 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Improving mobility by optimizing the number, location and usage of loading/unloading bays for urban freight vehicles | Alho, A.R.; Abreu e Silva, J.; Sousa, J.P.; Blanco, E. | 2018 | V. 61, Part A, 3-18, June | 10.1016/j.trd.2017.05.014 | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment | 4,051 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Modelling preferences for smart modes and services: A case study in Lisbon | Choudhury, C.F.; Yang, L.; Abreu e Silva, J.; Ben-Akiva, M. | 2018 | V. 115, 15-31, September | 10.1016/j.tra.2017.07.005 | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice | 3,693 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Home telework, travel behavior, and land-use patterns: A path analysis of British single-worker households | e Silva, J.A.; Melo, P.C. | 2018 | V. 11, n.º 1(419-441 | 10.5198/jtlu.2018.1134 | Journal of Transport and Land Use | 2,143 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Users' satisfaction evolution of a metropolitan transit system in a context of economic downturn | Oña, R. de; Abreu e Silva, J.; Muñoz-Monge, C.; Oña, J. de | 2018 | V. 12, n.º 1, 66-74, January | 10.1080/15568318.2017.1328546 | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation | 2,586 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Title | Authors | Year | In proc. of [Conference identification, place, date] | DOI | Type | CERIS Members |
Interactions Between Online Shopping, In-store Shopping and Weekly Travel Behavior: An Analysis Before and in the Aftermath of COVID-19 in Lisbon, Portugal. | Colaço, R. & de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2023 | Actas do TRB 102nd Annual Meeting, 8-12 de Janeiro, Washington DC. | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço | |
Are we moving online? An analysis of COVID-19 impacts on telecommuting: consequences for urban planning. | Colaço, R., Kappler, L.B., de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2023 | AESOP Annual Congress 2023, 11th to 15th July 2023, Lodz, Poland. | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço, Laísa Braga Kappler | |
The role Technophilia and user goals in the intention to use a mobility-management travel app. | de Abreu e Silva, J & Amorim, J | 2023 | WCTRS 2023, Montreal, 17-21 July. | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Effects of Land Use patterns on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. A Structural Equation Model 1 applied to the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. | de Abreu e Silva, J, Amorim, J & Estanislau, J | 2023 | Actas do TRB 102nd Annual Meeting, 8-12 de Janeiro, Washington DC. | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Residential Dissonance of Teleworkers, its implications on relocation and impacts on Urban Sprawl in post-Covid World. | de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2023 | AESOP Annual Congress 2023, 11th to 15th July 2023, Lodz, Poland. | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Autonomous vehicles impact assessment on congested motorways. | de Magalhães C.F.; de Picado L.; de Abreu e Silva J. | 2023 | Transportation Research Procedia. | 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.682 | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Luís Guilherme de Picado Santos |
Telework frequency and travel behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. A study across different geographies from the Lisbon, Istanbul, and Porto Alegre Metropolitan Areas. | Kappler, L. B., de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2023 | 25th Euro Working Group on Transportation Conference, 6th to 8th September 2023, Santander, Cantabria, Spain. | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Laísa Braga Kappler | |
Investigating Multimodal Choice Preferences of Students from Two European Cities | Baburajan, Vishnu, de Abreu e Silva, João & Kaplan, Sigal | 2022 | Actas do TRB 101st Annual Meeting, 9-13-29 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Vishnu Baburajan | |
Do Open-Ended Questions influence the measurment of attitudes? An Investigation | Baburajan, Vishnu, de Abreu e Silva, João & Pereira, Francisco C. | 2022 | Actas da 12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, 20 a 25 de Março, Vimeiro, Portugal | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Vishnu Baburajan | |
How Can Analysts Make Answering Surveys More Respondent-Friendly? | Baburajan, Vishnu, de Abreu e Silva, João & Pereira, Francisco C. | 2022 | Actas do TRB 101st Annual Meeting, 9-13-29 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Vishnu Baburajan | |
Assessing Online Shopping Adoption for Retail Purchases and Meal Deliveries Using a 7-Day Shopping Survey | Colaço, Rui & de Abreu e Silva, João | 2022 | Actas do TRB 101st Annual Meeting, 9-13-29 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço | |
Intrapersonal variability and underreporting – comparing a one-week shopping survey with a one-day travel survey | Colaço, Rui & de Abreu e Silva, João | 2022 | Actas da 12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, 20 a 25 de Março, Vimeiro, Portugal | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço | |
Automated vehicles impact assessment on congested motorways | Conceição Filipe de Magalhães, Luís Picado-Santos, João Abreu e Silva | 2022 | Proceedings of the TRA Lisbon 2022, 14-17 November, Lisboa | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Luís Guilherme de Picado Santos | |
Abordagem das implicações da integração de veículos autónomos em auto-estradas de tráfego convencional elevado | Conceição Magalhães, Luís de Picado Santos, João de Abreu e Silva | 2022 | 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, artigo 71, 5-7 de julho de 2022, Lisboa | National | João António de Abreu e Silva, Luís Guilherme de Picado Santos | |
Machine Learning and Image Recognition Technologies to Identify Built Environment Barriers and Incentives to Walk | Lucchesi, Shanna T., de Abreu e Silva, João, Larranaga, Ana, Zechin, Douglas & Cybis, Helena | 2022 | Actas do TRB 101st Annual Meeting, 9-13-29 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Measuring walkability through machine learning: a possible substitute for traditional built environment data collection methods | Lucchesi, Shanna T., Larrañaga, Ana M., Cybis, Helena &de Abreu e Silva, João | 2022 | Actas da 12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, 20 a 25 de Março, Vimeiro, Portugal | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
A Meta-Analysis of Value of Time for Autonomous Driving | Pagoni, Ioanna, Baburajan, Vishnu, Kouniadi, Danai, Polydoropoulou, Amalia &de Abreu e Silva, João | 2022 | Actas do TRB 101st Annual Meeting, 9-13-29 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Vishnu Baburajan | |
What Drives the Allocation of Motorways?: Evidence from Portugal’s Fast-Expanding Network | Rocha, Bruno, Melo, Patricia & de Abreu e Silva, João | 2022 | Actas do TRB 101st Annual Meeting, 9-13-29 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
The Interactions Between Online Shopping | Colaço, R & de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2021 | Store Shopping And Weekly Travel Behaviour: Analysing A 7-Day Shopping Survey Using A Structural Equations Model, Actas do TRB 100th Annual Meeting, 21-29 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Land-use Patterns, Location Choice, and Travel Behavior: Evidence from the Global South | de Abreu e Silva, J & Lucchesi, S | 2021 | World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR) | August 9-11, 2021 | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
CITIES FOR PEOPLE OR CITIES FOR TOURISTS? A GEOGRAPHICALLY WEIGHTED ANALYSIS BETWEEN WALKABILITY, AIRBNB AND PROPERTY APPRECIATION | Lucchesi, S.& de Abreu e Silva | 2021 | TRB 100th Annual Meeting, 21-29 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
The role of accessibility to public transport on residential location choice of temporary residents: the case of Porto and Copenhagen | Monteiro, Mayara, Thorhauge, M., de Abreu e Silva, Sousa, J. | 2021 | TRB 100th Annual Meeting, 21-29 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Do people willing to pay more to live in a walking environment is context dependent? A comparative hedonic model approach using real estate data of two megacities | Lucchesi, S., Larranaga, A., Cibys, H., de Abreu e Silva, J. & Arellana, J. | 2020 | Actas do TRB 99th Annual Meeting, 12-16 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Travel Behavior Adaptation of Transnational Short-Term Residents | Monteiro, M., de Abreu e Silva, J., Ingvardson, J. & Sousa, J. | 2020 | Actas do TRB 99th Annual Meeting, 12-16 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Intra-Household Travel Behavior effects of Home-Telework in Great Britain | de Abreu e Silva, J.; Melo, P. | 2019 | TRB 98th Annual Meeting, 13-17 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Factors driving the adoption of mobility management travel app: a bayesian structural equation modeling analysis | Mehdizadeh Dastjerdi, A.; Kaplan, S.; de Abreu e Silva, J.; Nielsen, O. A.; Pereira, F. C. | 2019 | TRB 98th Annual Meeting, 13-17 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
International students´permanent temporariness in cities | Monteiro, M.; de Abreu e Silva, J.; Haustein, S.; Pinho de Sousa, J. | 2019 | 59th ERSA Congess, Lyon 27-30 de Agosto | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Opening Up the Conversation: Topic Modeling for Automated Text Analysis in Travel Surveys | Baburajan, V., de Abreu e Silva, J. & Pereira, F. C. | 2018 | IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Maui, 4 Nov – 7 Nov, 10.1109/ITSC.2018.8569380 | International | João António de Abreu e Silva, Vishnu Baburajan | |
Measuring the Evolution of Urban Sprawl in Portugal and the Influence of Classification and Boudaries on its Results, | Correia, M. ; de Abreu e Silva, J. | 2018 | 8º CONGRESSO LUSO-BRASILEIRO PARA O PLANEAMENTO URBANO, REGIONAL, INTEGRADO E SUSTENTÁVEL (PLURIS 2018), Cidades e Territórios - Desenvolvimento, atratividade e novos desafios, Coimbra – Portugal, 24, 25 e 26 de outubro de 2018 | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
The effects of home-based telework on household total travel: A path analysis approach of British households, | de Abreu e Silva, J.; Melo, P. C. | 2018 | Actas do TRB 97th Annual Meeting, 7-11 de Janeiro, Washington DC | International | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Student Name | Supervisor | External Supervisor | Co-Supervisors | External Co-Supervisor #1 | External Co-Supervisor #2 | Title | PhD Programme | Universities Granting Title | Funding Institution | Scholarship | Total PhD Funding | PhD Funding for CERIS | Begining Date | End Date | Year | |
João António de Abreu e Silva | Social determinants of health and mobility: health and public transport dependency. | Territorial Planning Engineering | IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) | 44449 | ongoing | |||||||||||
João António de Abreu e Silva | Telework frequency and its effects on travel behavior in the post-COVID-19 era. | Transportation Systems | IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) | 43864 | ongoing | |||||||||||
Nuno Filipe Neves Viegas da Silva Afonso | João António de Abreu e Silva | Patrícia Melo | A vision on the evolution of the Portuguese road-rail networks since the early twentieth century: Analysis of its impacts on land-use patterns and urban settlement | Transportation Systems | IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | FCT scholarship UI/BD/151517/2021 | 44470 | ongoing | |||||||
Mohammad Reza Manshadian | João António de Abreu e Silva | Effects of virtual communications and social network on travel behavior. | Transportation Systems | IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) | 41549 | 45058 | 2023 | |||||||||
Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço | João António de Abreu e Silva | Understanding retail location: a longitudinal analysis in the face of technological change. | Territorial Engineering | IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | FCT scholarship SFRH/BD/136003/2018 | 43370 | 45029 | 2023 | |||||||
Luís Guilherme de Picado Santos | João António de Abreu e Silva | Operational integration of autonomous and conventional vehicles on motorways. | Transportation Systems | IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) | BRISA – Auto-estradas de Portugal, S.A. (Portugal) | 41915 | 44852 | 2022 | ||||||||
João António de Abreu e Silva | Rui Manuel Moura de Carvalho Oliveira | Dealing with risk and uncertainty for better transportation infrastructure megaprojects development. Lessons learnt from Portugal. | Transportation Systems | IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | FCT scholarship PD/BD/105717/2014 | 41967 | 44497 | 2021 | |||||||
Vishnu Baburajan | João António de Abreu e Silva | Francisco Colunas Pereira da Câmara Pereira | Automated text analysis on open-ended response surveys: measuring attitudes regarding autonomous vehicles. | Transportation Systems | IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | FCT scholarship PD/BD/129394/2017 | 42674 | 44355 | 2021 | ||||||
João António de Abreu e Silva | Jorge Pinho de Sousa | Adaptation of transnational short-term residents: understanding the factors influencing residential location choice and travel behavior. | Transportation Systems | FEUP – Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (Portugal) | European Social Fund (ESF) – PT2020 – Northern Portugal Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020) | PT2020 scholarship NORTE-08-5369FSE-000038 | 42378 | 44012 | 2020 | |||||||
João António de Abreu e Silva | The influence of transportation policies and infrastructures in urban sprawl expansion in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area between 1991 and 2011. | Transportation Systems | IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | FCT scholarship PD/BD/105715/2014 | 41984 | 43635 | 2019 |
Name | Reference | Type | PI Names | CERIS Coordinator | Research Group | Other CERIS Members | Leading Institution | Other Institutions | Funding Institutions | Total Funding | Funding for Ceris | Beginning Date | End Date | State | Website | |
SPINE – Smart Public Transport Initiatives for Climate-Neutral Cities in Europe | Grant agreement ID: 101096664 | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | Inlecom Innovation Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia (Greece) | EU Horizon Europe Framework Programme | 17020515,92 | 392500 | 2023/01/01 | 2026/12/31 | www.spine-project.eu | ||||||
TASSEL – Growth or Relocation? Transport Accessibility and Economic Activity Location | PTDC/GES-GCE/4046/2021 | National | João António de Abreu e Silva | Nuno Filipe Neves Viegas da Silva Afonso | IST-ID – Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | 240782 | 5840,41 | 2022/03/01 | 2025/02/28 | ||||||
REMOBIL – REthinking MOBILity, location patterns and urban form after the COVID19 pandemic. The effects of telework and e-shopping | PTDC/ECI-TRA/4841/2021 | National | João António de Abreu e Silva | Rui Manuel Cordeiro Colaço, Laísa Braga Kappler | IST-ID – Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | 245592 | 150421,25 | 2022/01/01 | 2025/01/01 | ||||||
TiTuSS – Transport Infrastructure and Urban Spatial Structure: Economic, Social & Environmental | PTDC/EGE-ECO/28805/2017 | National | João António de Abreu e Silva | Nuno Filipe Neves Viegas da Silva Afonso | UECE – Unidade de Estudos sobre Complexidade e Economia (Portugal) | FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | 229539,27 | 43486,12 | 2018/10/01 | 2022/09/30 | https://patriciacmelo.weebly.com/tituss.html | |||||
ROSEnet – Reducing Old-Age Social Exclusion: Collaborations in Research and Policy | COST Action CA15122 | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | ICSG – Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, University of Galway (Ireland) | COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology | 15000 | 2016/04/05 | 2020/04/04 | http://rosenetcost.com/ | |||||||
Social Networks and Travel Behaviour | COST Action TU1305 | International | João António de Abreu e Silva | Vishnu Baburajan | Technion (Israel) | COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology | 15000 | 2014/03/24 | 2018/03/23 | https://www.cost.eu/actions/TU1305/ |
Title | Editors (all, including CERIS members) | Year | Book Series | Publisher | Edition | DOI | ISBN/ISSN | CERIS Members |
Handbook on Transport and Land Use | Abreu e Silva, J. de; Currans, K.M.; Van Acker, V.; Schneider, R.J. | 2023 | Research Handbooks in Transport Studies series | Edward Elgar Publishing Limited | 10.4337/9781800370258 | 978-1-80037-024-1 | João António de Abreu e Silva |
Title of Chapter | Title of Book | Authors (all, including CERIS members) | Editors (all, including CERIS members) | Year | Book Series | Publisher | Edition | DOI | ISBN/ISSN | CERIS Members |
Future directions for transport and land-use research and practice | Handbook on Transport and Land Use | Currans, K.M.; Van Acker, V.; Schneider, R.J.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | Abreu e Silva, J. de; Currans, K.M.; Van Acker, V.; Schneider, R.J. | 2023 | Research Handbooks in Transport Studies series | Edward Elgar Publishing Limited | 978-1-80037-024-1 | João António de Abreu e Silva | ||
New mobility systems and land use | Handbook on Transport and Land Use | de Abreu e Silva, J.; Baburajan, V. | Abreu e Silva, J. de; Currans, K.M.; Van Acker, V.; Schneider, R.J. | 2023 | Research Handbooks in Transport Studies series | Edward Elgar Publishing Limited | 978-1-80037-024-1 | João António de Abreu e Silva, Vishnu Baburajan | ||
Travel behaviour and social network interactions with the urban environment, a review | Digital Social Networks and Travel Behaviour in Urban Environments | de Abreu e Silva, J.; Adamos, G.; Esztergar-Kiss, D.; Mariotti, J.; Tsami, M.; Cools, M. | Plaut, P.; Shach-Pinsly, D. | 2020 | Transport and Society | Routledge | 1 | 978-0-429-48871-9 | João António de Abreu e Silva | |
Smart Cities: Definitions, Evolution of the Concept and Examples of Initiatives | Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure | Moura, F.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | Leal Filho, W.; Azul, A.M.; Brandli, L.; Salvia, A.L.; Wall, T. | 2019 | Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals | Springer Cham | 10.1007/978-3-319-71059-4_6-1 | 978-3-319-71059-4 | João António de Abreu e Silva, Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura | |
The influence of the volume‐delay function on uncertainty assessment for a four‐step model. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 262 | Petrik, O.; Moura, F.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | Jorge Freire de Sousa, Riccardo Rossi | 2014 | Springer | 978‐3‐319‐04629‐7 | João António de Abreu e Silva, Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura | ||||
“A Review of the Concept of Aerotropolis and Assessment of its Applicability in the Planning of the New Lisbon Airport”, Geography & Politics, Policies and Planning | Correia, M.; de Abreu e Silva, J. | José Rio Fernandes, Cunha Lúcio, Pedro Chamusca | 2013 | FLUP/CEGOT | 9789898648037 | João António de Abreu e Silva | ||||
“Megacities and High Speed Rail systems: which comes first?”, Transportation Demand Management. Insights from the mobil.TUM 2012 conference International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transpor | Pagliara, F.; de Abreu e Silva, J.; Sussman, J.; Stein, N. | Wulfhorst, Gebhard and Büttner, Benjamin | 2013 | Technische Universität München | 9783981467611 | João António de Abreu e Silva |